
Dr. Jeannie has recorded over 350 podcast episodes. All podcasts are hosted by Ancient Faith Radio and found on their site. But all episodes are also available on a single page in an easy-to-find format at OrthodoxBibleStudy.info. Click on the button to the right.

Search the Scriptures

Dr. Jeannie launched the first English Orthodox internet Bible study in 2008, “Search the Scriptures” on Ancient Faith Radio. The podcast is an interesting and accessible bible study for busy people and explains the Bible through the viewpoint of the ancient Church. That podcast was pre-recorded and the earliest lessons include an Introduction to the Bible that covers many basic topics. The lessons continue to discuss the most important passages and lessons from many Old Testament books. The recorded show was paused - and remains paused at the moment - to begin a live, call-in podcast, Search the Scriptures LIVE!

To listen to the original Search the Scriptures podcast on Ancient Faith Radio, click the button below. Podcasts are posted in descending order. The earlier, introductory podcasts are on the last pages of the Ancient Faith site.

Search the Scriptures LIVE!

“Search the Scriptures LIVE!” is a live, call-in internet Orthodox Bible study on Monday evenings, 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time, 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time. Typically, books of the New Testament are studied verse by verse, answering questions and discussing issues raised by the biblical text. In October a verse by verse study of the Gospel of Matthew will begin from the perspective of the early Church. Search the Scriptures LIVE! lessons are usually posted on the Ancient Faith website the day after the live show airs and are available for download.